
We help businesses innovate their strategies, transform their operations, and ultimately thrive in a dynamic marketplace.

Explore key Hartford startups in 2024, leading in fintech, healthcare, and more.

Complete List of Startups To Watch Out For in Hartford for 2024

Walking around the city lately, it seems like you can’t go very far without hearing about a new tech venture or app being dreamed up. And the numbers back it up – since 2018, over 700 new startups have launched within city limits. Of those, about 167 are focused squarely on technology. It’s been really

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Why Bombardier in Hartford is an Award-Winning Service Center

Here’s Why Bombardier in Hartford is an Award-Winning Service Center

When you think of private jets, the first name that might come to mind is Bombardier. Known for their innovative designs and top-quality craftsmanship, they really know how to make a jet!  But beyond crafting some of the world’s most prestigious jets, Bombardier excels in another critical area: customer service. The Hartford Service Center is

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Hartford-Based Coffee Startup: Story and Soil

Coffee means so much to some people – it’s their motivation to start each day, but also a passion many share. Michael Acosta from Story and Soil Coffee in Hartford truly loves it. Starting his own shop was about pursuing his interest, not just selling a drink. Michael has an interesting story, as rich and

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