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Complete List of Startups To Watch Out For in Hartford for 2024

Explore key Hartford startups in 2024, leading in fintech, healthcare, and more.

Walking around the city lately, it seems like you can’t go very far without hearing about a new tech venture or app being dreamed up. And the numbers back it up – since 2018, over 700 new startups have launched within city limits. Of those, about 167 are focused squarely on technology.

It’s been really cool to see Hartford establish itself as a legitimate hub of innovation in Connecticut. For a long time, most of the attention went to bigger cities like Stamford, New Haven, or even New York just a short train ride away. But the energy and entrepreneurial spirit in Hartford right now is undeniable.

Now I will share some of them that attracted the most attention, and have the potential to become large corporations.

Bento Engine – Wealth Management with Fintech Innovation

Bento Engine - Startup


I’ve been keeping a close eye on Bento Engine lately, this fintech startup making waves out of Westport. Founded just a few years ago in 2021, they’re already making a name for themselves as leaders in the B2B wealth management space.

What really stood out to me about Bento was their focus on using data and analytics to enhance the client experience. So many financial advisors are still relying on outdated tools and manual processes. But Bento created sophisticated software that helps advisors leverage extensive data sets to develop truly customized plans for their clients. The platform seamlessly integrates into existing systems too, which was a really smart design choice.

Being able to meet advisors where they are while still future-proofing the tools is just one part of what’s made Bento so successful already. Their co-founders, CEO Philipp Hecker and CTO Gavin Hay, also brought a great mix of tech and finance backgrounds. That combination of expertise has served them extremely well in a sector often slow to adopt new technologies.

It’s clear that others in the industry are taking notice of Bento’s potential as well. In their first round of funding, they secured over $1 million in seed funding. Money talks, and that initial investment shows faith in Bento’s vision for transforming wealth management. They plan to put those funds to work expanding their team, refining the platform, and reaching more advisors.

As more and more aspects of our lives and finances move online, having an innovative player like Bento in our backyard is huge. Not only are they making waves locally, but their impact could eventually be felt much further afield. With their focus on data-driven advice, Bento Engine is truly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in fintech today. I’m excited to see where they go next.

CoreChain Technologies – Blockchain Solutions in B2B Payments

CoreChain Technologies - Startup


What first caught my attention was the team behind it – CEO Chris Aguas and CTO RJ Herrick both have solid backgrounds in fintech and finance. That experience has surely helped as they develop this new way forward for business transactions. By leveraging blockchain’s security and transparency, CoreChain is working to streamline the whole payments process between companies. That means faster transfers and lower costs on everyone’s end.

So far, their idea seems to be resonating well beyond just New Haven. In just two rounds of funding, CoreChain has reeled in over $5.5 million in investments. That kind of financial support shows other industry folks believe in their vision too. They’re putting those funds to work expanding their tech infrastructure and services.

It’s easy to see the appeal CoreChain offers, especially for businesses dealing with complex payment arrangements or high transaction volumes. Simplifying reconciliation and speeding everything up can do wonders for the bottom line. Their platform also provides a clear audit trail, which is a big deal as regulations tighten.

Beyond just payments though, CoreChain may help bring blockchain more into the mainstream of finance overall. As they innovate and partner with more players, they could play a key role in shaping how transactions work in the future.

Goodroot – Healthcare Cost Management

Goodroot - Startup

Founded in 2020, they’re taking a unique approach to tackling one of the major issues facing our system – unnecessary spending.

At the helm is CEO Michael Waterbury, who offers deep insider experience from his background in health insurance. This expertise surely helps as they develop new strategies focused on simplifying payments, increasing transparency, and driving fair pricing models industry-wide.

Goodroot is also working to better align incentives between payers and providers to lower costs without compromising care quality. Additionally, they leverage data analytics to pinpoint inefficiencies across the system, targeting interventions that can produce real savings.

Most striking is that Goodroot already claims to have removed $1 billion in wasteful expenditures. For a young startup, achieving results on such a scale in just a few years is impressive.

iCleanse – Sterilization Technology

iCleanse - Startup

As devices like phones and tablets are high-touch surfaces, keeping them sanitary is crucial. iCleanse created products that not only sterilize items through UV light, but charge them as well, providing a dual-purpose solution. Their docking stations effectively eliminate germs while maintaining devices.

Their strategic focus on settings where cleanliness is paramount, partnering with organizations like airports and science centers, demonstrates practical real-world applications. Collaborations with respected institutions also signify trust earned.

It’s encouraging to see their commitment to ongoing research, continually enhancing products to meet evolving demands through faster charging and refined sterilization methods. As health awareness increases, demand for effective solutions will likely rise in addressing everyday issues.

Nuwae Health – Streamlining Pharmaceutical Pricing and Patient Care

Nuwae Health - Startup

They developed new solutions aimed at making prescription pricing clearer and more predictable for those managing chronic conditions. The goal was to reduce financial stress so people wouldn’t have to choose between their health and other needs.

Early impacts show these efforts really can help. One patient said being able to afford their diabetes medication as prescribed completely changed their relationship with managing the disease.

Nuwae Health’s work also promotes greater cooperation across healthcare sectors. When all parties’ interests are considered, it leads to options that increase affordable access. That vision of collaborative problem-solving on behalf of communities is what continues to inspire their efforts.

Populi – Healthcare Analytics for Consumers

Populi - Startup

Founded in 2020 by CEO Bill Moschella and CTO Nathan Salmon, Populi developed a groundbreaking platform designed to democratize access to healthcare analytics. Their technology is built to process vast amounts of data swiftly, providing actionable insights that can empower both healthcare providers and patients. This capability is crucial for improving treatment outcomes and optimizing healthcare strategies.

Populi’s system allows users to explore and interpret complex healthcare data without compromising their personal information. The platform employs advanced data security measures and complies with healthcare regulations to protect user privacy.

By providing comprehensive analytics tools, the company aids in identifying trends and potential health crises before they escalate, thereby enhancing preventative care and resource allocation within the healthcare system.

Last Words

There’s clearly a wealth of talent and ambition driving success stories like Bento Engine, CoreChain Technologies and Populi. What impresses me most is how these founders are taking their visionary ideas and using them to make a tangible impact.

Take Bento Engine – by streamlining financial transactions, they’re helping countless small businesses operate more smoothly. And Populi, using data to enhance patient care, gives me hope that our healthcare system will better serve people. It’s inspiring to see homegrown talent tackling pressing challenges with their creativity.

Beyond just contributing to Hartford’s economic growth, these companies prove there are bright days ahead. Their early successes show Hartford has what it takes to compete on a wider stage.